Hello Fellow DTA Members,
I hope while you are reading this, you have in your hand a steaming coffee or hot chocolate! It has certainly been cold around the country over the last few weeks.
Around this time of year, the Board review those positions which might be eligible for re-election at the AGM in November. These will be discussed in further detail in the next few e-newsletters.
Along with this review, is also a review of the DTA Portfolios. The Board manage five portfolios – Governance, Marketing, Education, New Memberships, and International Liaison. The concept behind the portfolios is that they should be a way of sharing the load in terms of tasks, whilst also ensuring momentum in terms of getting the jobs done.
A Board member heads up each portfolio, and generally there will be at least one other Board member involved, however, each Portfolio, except Governance (which sits with the Board Executive), is open to all members. Each portfolio will have varying tasks and these will alter over time. For example, a portfolio might be working on 5 different tasks. Some will be short term, some will be longer duration, and some may continue over several years.
So, what does this mean to you? Let’s assume you had an interest in Marketing. You might be involved in a very short term project, say 3 months from start to completion, or you might be involved in longer term projects as well. It is up to you and how much you feel you can be involved. The idea is that this allows you, the members, to have some involvement with the Board and the issues the Board concerns itself with, but on your own terms of time available. I would encourage you to consider if you have some time to put to a project; there is a range on offer across each of the Portfolios, and I can assure you that you will find the experience of being involved in your Association a rewarding and worthwhile time. Involvement in these types of interests also supports your CV and demonstrates your commitment to your chosen career. This offers a favourable outlook of you as a person, and your sense of commitment, and is valuable information for prospective employers.
If you would like to find out more, or talk to a Portfolio leader about what projects they are currently working on, please contact the office. Each portfolio is unique, so please consider if you would like to take a little closer look at how your Board works.
The conference planning continues to simmer along; the 2014 event is developing into a magnificent opportunity for networking and learning. Please confirm you commitment to attend ASAP, as there are limited places available. I can also report that we are expecting a strong group of DT’s from Japan; what a great opportunity for networking at the national level!
Along with growth, comes change. I am saddened to report to the member base that DTA VP2 Kate Nolan has resigned her position, due to her heavy workload and her ongoing commitment with the Australian Parachute Federation. Kate has been a strong and passionate supporter of DTA for quite a few years. The Board wish her every success in her future endeavours.