
Volunteering Overview

ARTA is a small, not for profit organisation supporting the field of Recreational Therapy and especially its members – a special group of people!

ARTA is always in need of volunteers and we do have a volunteer register. We are not highly organised in this area and cannot offer slick volunteer management and support! But we value and are so grateful for that support when it comes….

Do you want to help? Here are some ideas… but the possibilities are endless!!

  • Help with the Network Group in your area?
  • Help with ARTA Conference when it comes to your state?
  • Help to register people for ARTA workshops in your area?
  • Help to promote ARTA membership?

Contact: Enquiries@recreationaltherapy.au with your contact details and any areas you especially want to help with to join our band of volunteer supporters! (Of course you can earn PD hours for this too! Depending on what work you do.)

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