ello Members,
Last month I commented on the very cold weather around Australia, and sadly, this month seems to have continued the trend! I hope some warmer weather is soon on its way to all of you and you can begin to thaw out.
This month some issues of concern have been raised to the DTA Board. Those of you employed within the aged care sector will know of the cessation of the Dementia and severe behaviours supplement by the current Government. To date, there has not been discussion around what future funding in this area might look like. The Board have drafted a letter to Minister Fifeld’s office voicing, on behalf of the DTA members, concern around these changes. A copy of the response has been posted in the newsletter and also on the website.
This month, the Office received a letter from the Secretary of the Select Committee on Health inviting DTA to submit to its enquiry into health policy, administration and expenditure. The Committee will be considering factors such as the impact of reduced funding for health promotion, prevention and early intervention, improvements in the provision of health services, including Indigenous health and rural health, and the better integration and coordination of Medicare services, including access to general practice, specialist medical practitioners, pharmaceuticals, optometry, diagnostic, dental and allied health services. Concerned with wellness and enablement, Diversional Therapy holds a significant place within the focus of some of these points.
Submissions should be received by the Committee by Friday 19th September. I would invite you, as members of DTA to either make your own submission, or to forward your discussion points to the office, for inclusion in the DTA submission.
Conference planning continues at a frenetic pace! I know places are filling fast, so if you are interested in networking with like-minded professionals, opening your mind to possibilities and opportunities, and having a generally fantastic time, please make contact with the office. The speaker list is amazing, and the workshops on offer the day prior to the conference are jam-packed, with surprises to boot! I look forward to catching up with many of you over the workshop and conference days. And don’t forget the blokes! This year, we have taken a proactive stance, in arranging a day of incredible men’s activities, so come on, bring the blokes along and have a great holiday in Adelaide!
Louise Absalom