President Piece – 4 July 2018

Hi Members,

I want to apologise for not having a newsletter last month. The system we use to create the newsletter was updated and there was a delay between the old system going off line and being trained in using the new system. Hopefully we have all kinks worked out and will all be running smoothly. The articles were uploaded to the website, so please don’t forget to check the website for any updates throughout the month.

I can hardly believe we are already halfway through the year. July is here and so is the start of a new financial year. And that means membership renewals are due, along with your 15 Professional Development points. Remember to have those PD points handy in case you are one of the lucky (or unlucky) members who get chosen for the audit. Renewals are even easier now and can all be done online. There is also a range of payment options available. If you are having trouble, please do contact the office for assistance.

Conference planning is well underway. The conference program is now available on the website. We have a range of exciting presenters ready to share their knowledge and experience with us. This is shaping up to be a great conference in Melbourne. If you haven’t done so yet, please visit the website to register. We have also extended the early bird special for an extra 2 weeks. You now have until 15th July to register at the reduced rate. There are also places still available for the pre-conference workshop – Activities, Activities, Activities. What a great opportunity to get a couple of friends, attend conference and spend the weekend exploring all that Melbourne has to offer.

Don’t forget that the DRTA Award for Excellence is still open. Get all those wonderful events and innovative program we run written up and apply for the award. All the details are available on the website.

Before conference come around, we do have some workshops happening. CST is being held on 19th July at Wollongong, NSW (this date has changed from the 6th July). You still have time to register if you are interested in CST. It Is never too early to start collecting your PD points for the next year. We also have 2 workshops taking place in Sunny Cairns. On 27th July is a general workshop and on the 30th July is CST. We have a special price if you are interested in attending both workshops. Visit the events page on the website for more information.

‘Til next month,
Kylie Rice

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