July has come hard and fast, but June was a month where some great things were achieved. Call for papers and early bird for our virtual conference are now closed. Abstracts have rolled in so the conference committee will be sorting through the submissions.
We are excited to showcase our member’s work and explore developments in different sectors. I hope many of you took advantage of early bird offer to attend our ARTA Conference. I know I can’t wait for our annual conference.
Charlise and I met with a representative of Allied Health Professions Australia about our application for membership. We dotted off some I’s and crossed some Ts. Our application will be presented to AHPA in September so keep all your fingers and toes crossed as well.
Charlise and Kayla attended the National Aged Care Alliance, representing ARTA and ensuring our voices are heard. Thank you both for your efforts.
Membership renewals were due on the 30th of June. We are hoping that you have continued with your membership with us so we can continue to help push towards our goal of becoming part of AHPA. Thank you to Diana and Jodie for their continued work in membership renewal and all office matters.
We still have a vacancy on the board. This is the perfect opportunity to dip your toe in until our AGM. It will provide you with the experience without having the 3 year commitment.
Until then,
Renée Smith
ARTA President