As the weather begins to change again, so many things have been occurring and continue to move forward with Australian Recreational Therapy Australia.
Firstly, I wanted to acknowledge the passing in February of Takako Serizawa’s husband. I had passed on ARTA, the board, and its members condolences, however, also wanted to give space before providing a statement in our newsletter. Masa accompanied Takako to many of Australia’s conferences and hosted many of our members in Japan on two of our study tours. He was a huge advocate and supporter of Diversional Therapy both here, Japan and globally. Takako continues to strive forward with the promotion of Diversional Therapy through DTAJ in Japan, however, again, I wanted to pass on Australia’s thoughts, and strength through these continued tough times.
Over the last month, ARTA has been asked to provide several articles for publishing along with input into discussions with various organisations nationally and globally concerning Recreational Therapy and the Australian Recreational Therapy Association. This included with Australian Ageing Agenda, and Aged Care notes Newsletter, along with input to HSU around micro-credentialing.
On behalf of ARTA, the board and its members, I would also like to congratulate Carmen (ARTA’s trusty board member and newsletter editor) on her wedding this month. Organizing the newsletter monthly (in particular chasing me for my president’s piece), which has also highlighted support we could have to enable time when our board can’t undertake something like the newsletter. Can I put forward to our membership, if there is someone who might like to learn the ropes supporting the newsletter production – this would be greatly appreciated – if you are, please contact the office.
A save the date has been circulated through social media for ARTA’s national conference, face to-face in September in Sydney- so again, watch this space for early bird registrations for this.
Some of our members attended the Teepa Snow workshop- cohosted with Wesley Mission this month, along with other valuable speakers such as Julie Bajic-Smith. April is also filled with a great lineup of workshops such as cultural spotlight (virtual), and Dementia specific care in Recreational Therapy (Virtual) please check out our website to book these as you won’t be disappointed and thank you to Lesley Fox our National Education Coordinator
for all your tireless work on getting these out for our members.
We continue to build on our global colleague’s connections with continued discussion around the International Knowledge Exchange in October – more to come on this.
Again I can’t say enough that the board needs our member’s support with Communities of Practice that sit with portfolios held by board members. If something interests you, please reach out to the office and you will be connected to a board member to talk further.
Wishing you all a safe April, with several public holidays, take breaks and enjoy time with family and friends (and your own leisure time).
Until May,
Renée Smith
ARTA President