Members Article – Leisure & Lifestyle Research Survey

Dear Participant,

My name is Jade Gilchrist I want to identify the changing trends in Diversional Therapy practice. Working over seventeen years in the Leisure & Lifestyle industry and have become increasingly aware of the generational shift in the care recipients we provide our service to.

The next generation that will be entering aged care are the Baby Boomers and the purpose of this study will be to understand what they expect in Aged Care and how we can as a professional body prepare for this. Your involvement will assist professionals like yourself and all those involved in the Leisure & Lifestyle industry to prepare for the care recipients of the future.

This survey will only take approximately 10 minutes to complete and can be sent to

Thank you for taking the time to respond to this survey. All results will be confidential the data collected will be used to calculate results needed for this research.

The results of this research will be collated in a paper and published on the Diversional Therapy Australia website, an email copy can be requested by all persons that respond to this survey by filling in your details and the end of this survey.

Kind Regards,

Jade Gilchrist

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