Editor’s Piece – 3 December 2014

Once again we have a full newsletter for the last edition of the year. I challenge members to send in their Christmas and Holiday activity ideas with photos to share with your professional colleagues. Also take time out to think about those less fortunate than us, some whom we may deal with on a daily basis as a client, who will spend this time living in poverty and remember to ask people – R U Ok? As these three words just may help someone at this difficult time of year.
This edition provides members with the AGM reports. If you would like the minutes or the full financials please contact the office and they will organise a copy for you. We also welcome three new board members so please make them feel welcome if you see them out and about.

This month’s Journal Watch provides you with a bonus to access the full article for free so please utilise this reading material as it is not always possible to find current full free articles to access. Web Watch provides everyone with access to relevant state and territory information on Australia Day.

Kylie Rice provides us with a members article on what she did during mental health month/week and has provided links for members to access further information.

We also have a basic craft activity that can really be used at any time of the year but for this newsletter it is for Christmas ornaments however in the past I have made with clients salt dough beads, baskets and false vases. There are also a few seasonal jokes to cheer up the clients where needed. The website provided also has lots of other jokes on different topics so if Christmas is not appropriate for your clients you may find something that is.

Also keep an eye out on the website over the next month or so as we put up some information about international liaison and representing DTA as the DTA Board have produced some guidelines/procedures and a relevant form….so watch this space as they say.

Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to thank our wonderful DTA Board members both incoming and outgoing for volunteering their time on top of their everyday lives to allow us to continue moving forward professionally, to our wonderful office staff Margie and Diana who do so much more at times than just the general office workload and finally to the Newsletter and Website team who I hope to introduce in the New Year as we have spent a lot of time finding our feet this year with the changes from paper to electronic mode – Margie and Elke and of course our outside help Scott who has being involved with DTA now for a number of years whether it be printing brochures or conference satchel bags to helping set up our website, hard copy and enewsletter in its current form and providing training to those who have needed it.

Finally, I have to try one last time this year please send in your book, movie or resource reviews, members articles, general programs and activity ideas, recipes etc. as the newsletter is only as good as what the membership makes it to be with their contributions to keep it going.

Enjoy your holiday break, keep safe and enjoy seeing in the New Year.
‘Til 2015 – Ed

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