Web Watch – 4 June 2014

Summary of MAY, 2014, MISTER. A men’s resource available via online.

May 2014 edition of MISTER is now on the website.

You will find it at:  www.misternewsletter.com.au [click on ‘Newsletters’]

MISTER usually is a bi-monthly publication.

This issue gives some information about: Men’s Health Australia website; Irritability, anger chronic stress; What causes Androgen Deficiency?; Arthritis; International Men’s health Week; Andrology Australia: Diabetes; Daddy’s Day at School; Bowel Cancer Screening; Men’s Groups; The Liver; Male grieving; Male touch;  Whooping cough, and other items.  

Please remember that MISTER is meant for contemplation, discussion and for personal benefit. Also for sharing and/or forwarding on within networks, or to friends, family, in any country of the world or wherever may possibly be appropriate.

 Click “Links” on the MISTER website home page for information and help available in the community.  

Gardening Resources

Just because we are entering into the colder months it does not mean that our clients need to stop enjoying their gardening activities. Here are a few websites that may help with information, activity suggestions or even help you write up some policies or work instructions.

Yates has a good gardening website at http://www.yates.com.au/ where you will find all sorts of information on seasonal gardening, products, promotions and competitions and they also have an adult and children’s newsletter subscription link where you can have information emailed to you monthly.

Cultivating Wellness


On this site you can have a look at a free trial of a subscription magazine and educational opportunities available to broaden your skills as a green thumb or for your clients. There is also a members only area.

Gardens for everybody


This website is run by University of Missouri and discusses all sections of gardening from the different types eg raised garden beds, trellis and pots to health and safety, special considerations, pathways, tools etc.

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