Welcome to the first Australian Recreational Therapy Association (ARTA) newsletter. On Tuesday the 6th of September the membership voted for adopting a new constitution and a new title for our profession. We are working to have everything in place including changes to the website by the end of the year. During this transition we will need to revisit all of our policies and procedures to align with both the new constitution and the new name. This month is our AGM and this will see change with the board. Glenda is stepping down as Honorary Secretary and would like to take this opportunity to thank her for her many years of service to the association and her ability to always be optimistic with fresh ideas. Once again, Glenda, thank you.
This month brings me to the end of my three-year term as president of my professional body. I have had the experience of working with some awesome individuals over this time. First and foremost, I really want to take the time to thank Carmen Kwok. When I first start talking about the possibility of taking on this role she was so supportive and encouraging. She also put up her hand to start putting together the newsletter as a pdf and she has certainly delivered. The newsletter also has Emma Preston contributing each month and Rachel Askew assisting with the editing. Thanks ladies for your time on this, it is appreciated and does not go unnoticed.
We advertise positions vacant in each state, each month. The newsletter is also a way to communicate with our members about what has been happening both within and outside the association and education and training that may support you in professional development. We would love to see more members contributing to the newsletter to impart their knowledge to others.
In September I also attended the global leaders meeting. One of our key global objectives is to understand how Recreational and Diversional therapy is practiced internationally. It is about sharing knowledge and being aware of the similarities and differences between countries. A couple of things came out of the meeting that I would like to share with you. In the 2023 Recreational Therapy Month (which is held in February each year), we are going to do another virtual International Knowledge Exchange (IKE). The theme is ‘Best Practice Around the World’. We invite ARTA members to do a 30-minute presentation on the best practice that you do. If you are interested in presenting, please email the office. In February 2024, Australia will host the 1st face to face IKE Summit.
Charlise Bennett
DRTA President