Another month has slipped by, and we are moving into May and almost to the midpoint of another year. First and foremost, I would like to thank the members who attended the three Town Hall meetings we ran in early April. The feedback was really positive in terms of moving the profession forward and how we are best positioned to do that. We have had initial discussions with lawyers, and they have suggested that our current constitution is outdated. This is in terms of how the document is laid out and worded. They have suggested writing a new constitution which will be valid, better laid out and clearer in terms of the language used. Changes are also required around the terminology used and even the profession’s name updated from DTA to DRTA. With this in mind, and the changes discussed at the Town Hall meetings, we will then be asking members to vote on the approval of the new constitution. We are also working with Allied Health Professions Australia to ensure we meet their constructs to enable us to be a member of the AHPA.
Mother’s Day is also coming up and we would love to know what different members have done to celebrate Mother’s Day with their clients and residents. For most, Mother’s Day is a day to celebrate mums of all ages and say thanks for all they do and have done. We should also remember for some it may be a day of sadness and reflection for those who have lost their mothers or grandmothers. Asking a person what Mother’s Day means to them, or how they feel about Mother’s Day opens a bigger conversation about the individual and their experiences.
Internationally we have also had a busy month. Dr Jamie Hoffman presented a seminar on promoting and advocating RT. Dr Cristina Ortega from the World Leisure Organisation presented about the World Leisure Organization and how it can support and/or collaborate with professionals working in leisure and recreation related fields. At the international coalition meeting the group discussed having another International Knowledge Exchange (IKE) and when that would be. There was one new person who joined the coalition, after being first exposed to the professional body and what was being accomplished internationally through IKE in Japan.
Until June,
Charlise Bennett
DRTA President