Hello DTA members,
Welcome to the inaugural DTA Connections Collector’s Edition! Congratulations to Editor Emma and her supportive team on the production of this first ever edition. This is a great initiative and opportunity to showcase DTA and the DTA year.
Within this special edition, you will find your DTA renewal. I urge you to give this your full attention. Your renewal is important for many reasons. The opportunity to be part of the peak body which represents your chosen career path is invaluable. Being able to share and network with like-minded professionals, encouraging and promoting up-to-date trends and interests within the specialised diversional therapy discipline is paramount in ensuring you remain up to date in your field.
Membership to your peak body also supports your professional standing within your own employment. You will gain in knowledge and information transfer, from workshops and online training, and annually at the DTA conference. These all blend to growing and supporting your knowledge and skills; the outcome will always support your professional presence, as well as offering you a range of opportunities and ideas to support improved quality of life for the residents/clients within your care.
DTA also needs you! We cannot reflect a collective voice without members! Your voice, added to all our members keeps the voice of DTA growing stronger. It is this growth which has underpinned our presence and inclusion within Allied Health Professions Australia (AHPA).
The DTA 2015 Conference program is taking shape, and dare I say it, but this year looks bigger and better than the last. I thought after Adelaide, that we could not get any better, but the planning in place for Gold Coast indicates an absorbing and engaging conference! Thank you to the dedicated Gold Coast Conference team.
Don’t forget the DTA Award for Excellence (2015 entries close 7th August). This is your opportunity to showcase how you have demonstrated excellence in your working environment. You need to design, implement and evaluate a DT special event – and I know you are all doing that many times over! Recognition amongst your peer group is validating and worthwhile both personally and professionally.
Enjoy your reading!
Louise Absalom