President Piece – 8 August 2017

Hi Members,

August is already upon us. And you are anything like me, you are wondering just where the year has gone. The Board has been hard at work to improve the associations for all the members.

One area that has been a major focus is marketing. Victorian State Rep Daniel Grey has taken on the task of leading the marketing team. Daniel has been liaising with 180 Degrees Consultancy to improve how the association connects with its members and the public via the website and social media platforms. 180 Degrees completed a review and supplied recommendations on changes that can be made. You have already seen some of the recommendations implemented, such as updating and streamlining the renewal process and increasing the renewals options. Over the coming months, you may see some further changes to the website and social media accounts as we continue to make improvement to benefit our members.

A couple of weeks ago, myself and vice president Toni Wallwork travelled into Sydney for a meeting between DRTA and Uniting Care. The meeting was organised in response to a position paper from DRTA regarding a change to Uniting’s Model of Care and changes to the Leisure and Lifestyle role. Discussions focused on the importance of the leisure and lifestyle role, how the new model of care will work and appropriate training for staff. Uniting have said they would like to work with DRTA going forward. As the new model continues to be implemented and more information becomes available, I will pass it on.

Don’t miss the members only conference special available for a short time only. Find out more detail the newsletter.

Kind regards,
Kylie Rice


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