President Piece – 5 May 2016

Hello Members,

Another busy month from the Board’s perspective, with much happening across a wide range of topics.

DT Week is almost upon us! I urge you to use this time to promote your role and the awareness of the Diversional Therapy profession. The Board work tirelessly to do the same; it is in your very best interests to alert those around you to the benefits within the breadth and depth of your role. Be proud! You are unique in what you do and how you do it!

By the time you read this, the Study Tour to Japan will be in full swing! This has been the culmination of several years of discussions and then planning. Five Board members are represented on this tour, with several speaking at the Symposiums organised by Takako Serizowa, Chairperson, Diversional Therapy Japan. Takako is well known to many of you from her frequent visits to Australia, and her attendance and presentations at DTA conferences. I know she is very excited about the opportunity for DTA to share with Japanese counterparts, their knowledge, ideas and professional skills. Takako has also organised a full itinerary, so no doubt the tour participants will return with much to tell!

Overseas trips used to be something unusual. Today, we travel freely and exchange ideas and friendships far more easily, and the opportunity to embrace the world is far more accessible. The Board of DTA are also aware of the value of international exchange and you will have read about this in previous newsletter editions.

Yesterday, I was privileged to participate in a Skype session with Board member, Darren Robinson and Dr. Marie Young from South Africa. Marie explained her role as Head of the Department of Sport, Recreation and Exercise Science at the University of the Western Cape, Cape Town. We discussed some of the similarities and differences within the qualification s that underpin the respective titles of the recreational officer role.

These interactions are significant and valuable, as they inform and educate in the development of a global appreciation of the role we know as Diversional Therapy. DTA have been instrumental in the gathering and advancement of this global group. Positive actions as a result of this group include a sub-group specifically devoted to the review and reflection on the content of the courses which support memberships and the promise to be involved at each other’s Conferences and information sharing levels.

If you would like to be involved within these forums, please let the Office know. This is a great way to extend your thinking, to increase your networks and perhaps even to visit new and interesting places!

I mentioned last month that several Board positions will be available at the AGM this year. Again, I urge you to take up this unique opportunity to be part of the strategic development and internal workings of the DTA Board. I would be more than happy to talk to any of you who might like to know more – send your contact details through to the office and they will forward them to me,

Louise Absalom

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