President Piece – 5 June 2018

Hi Members,

I can hardly believe that it is already June, and we are welcoming winter. It’s time to pull out the blankets and heaters and spend those cold days with a good book or a movie. I hope everyone had fun celebrating DRT week. I saw some of the different ways our members celebrated and they were inspired and definitely keeping within the theme of “Out of the Box”.

The focus for this month is Men’s Health. Men’s Health Week will be celebrated 11th – 17th June. The aims for the week are to promote the health of men and boys and provide an opportunity to make a positive difference in the lives of men and boys. The health status of males in most countries, including Australia, is generally poorer than that of females. And for those belonging to specific marginalised populations such as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, refugees and men in prison, it is far worse. The life expectancy for a baby boy is 4 years less than a baby girl. And the statistics show that boys suffer from more illnesses, more accidents and die earlier than their female counterparts.

Men’s Health Week provides a platform to challenge and debating the key issues in men’s health and most importantly to raise the profile of men and their health outcomes around the country. It focuses on celebrating the strengths of men, the contributions they make and the important role they play in society.

So how can we create positive environments in men and boys lives? How can we change their health outcomes? My challenge for you this month is to consider how we can clinicians can make a positive impact on the health of our consumers? This is an issue that goes further than those we work with. How can we make a positive impact on the men and boys in our lives? Our husbands, fathers, sons, nephews, etc. This may be Men’s Health Week, but we all have a very important role to play.

Don’t forget that next membership renewals will be due from the end of June. Reminders will be sent out, and remembers to have your 15 professional developments points ready.

Early bird conference pricing ends 30th of June, so get in quick to receive a discount.

Kind regards,

Kylie Rice


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