President Piece – 4 September 2018

Hi Members,

September marks the start of a new season, the beginning of spring. It is also the month of the DRTA’s 2018 ‘Out of the Box’ Conference. With only 3 weeks to go, time is running out quick to secure your place in Melbourne.

I have always enjoyed attending conference. From the time when I was a new grad and working in my first DT position right up to today. Conference has always been an event I have looked forward to attending. I know I have mentioned this before but… it really is a great way to network and meet new people. A lot of us work where we are the sole DT on site. Conference provides an opportunity to meet and engage with people how are working in a similar area to yourself.

We all have lots of knowledge and experience, so why not share it. Teach each other and the new generation coming through. This isn’t only for the better outcomes for our clients, but also ourselves. Teaching and sharing provides us with an opportunity to grow and develop as clinicians. I always love hearing about all the new and exciting programs others are running. It has always made me think about how I could adapt different activities to meet the needs of my client group. And it always has made me reflect on how I can better my own practice.

For me, conference has always been about more than just the education and learning. It’s the meeting new people, catching up with old friends, networking and developing bonds that continue to grow after conference has finished. It’s the sharing or knowledge, ideas and experiences with like-minded people, the professional development and growth that I experience with each conference. The excitement of taking what I have learnt and finding ways to adapt it into my own practice. But most importantly, it is about having fun. Getting away for a couple of days, meeting up with friends and having a laugh over lunch.

Don’t miss out on the chance to attend and experience all this and more for yourself. Visit the website and register today.

We are going to be updating our mission and vision statements. And we want your input. We will be launching this at conference and asking for all members, colleagues and stakeholders to become involved and help us to develop our new mission and vision statements. This is a great opportunity for you to be involved and shape the future of the DRTA. This isn’t an opportunity to be missed.

Till next month,
Kylie Rice

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