President Piece – 2 September 2015

Hello Members,

What a lot has happened since I wrote to you last! I recently attended the New Zealand Society of Diversional Therapists Annual Conference. This was an amazing and uplifting experience, and I have reported further on this within the body of the newsletter. I would encourage all DTA members to expand their networking and expose themselves to alternative ideas by attending opportunities such as this. We were treated to many differing concepts, most of which would transfer to Australia, and were also able to meet up with colleagues from across the Tasman. It’s interesting to appreciate the issues and concerns we face in Australia are similar to what is experienced in New Zealand. DTA and DTNZ are working to making sure that the differences between the two organisations are minimised and that we can share as much information as possible in supporting the DT role across both nations. Mary Gracie, NZ DT President will be attended the Gold Coast conference, so please take the opportunity to chat with her and welcome her to Australia. Please take the time to read the full report within the body of the newsletter; there are some ideas and contacts which you might be able to follow up on! 

 Keep an eye on the website; there are some fantastic new networking tools about to start in the next few weeks. Forums will be the means by which you can communicate with DT’s working in similar settings, or with a similar client base, or where you can catch up with the latest news and information. This is just another example of how your Association has listened and responded to your needs.

Victoria, Victoria, where art thou? We would love to hear from you! Last month we put out a call for DTA focus group members. Other states have representation, but Victoria is underrepresented. We want to know what you think in Victoria, what is of interest to you. The focus group simply means being part of a larger group who are prepared to give just a few minutes every month or two to answer opinion questions by email. It’s your way of contributing to how your Board moves and responds. Come on Victoria, we need your voice as well!

DTA also needs a Victorian representative ….. please consider if you have the availability to take on this role. Yes, there will be hard work, but I can absolutely guarantee that the rewards, networking, friendships, fun, growth and development will support you both personally and within your chosen profession.

Thank you, thank you, thank you to EO/Office Manager Margie, who has once again hopped (literally) to the fore and has represented DTA at the D & R Conference in Melbourne. Margie recently incurred an injury and even a splinted leg couldn’t keep her away! DTA are very fortunate indeed to have such dedicated representation!

Time is ticking away and I know many of you have already booked your place at the DTA Gold Coast Conference; if you are new to DTA or if you haven’t yet made the decision to attend, I cannot stress enough the value, growth, knowledge, and amazing friendships you will make! Coming away from the NZ Conference, I was encouraged by the open friendships and embracing of common ideals. Come on …. You can be a part of this too! I would love to see you in October.

Louise Absalom 

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