Hello Members,
I hope you all had a very relaxing and peaceful Christmas and have returned to work renewed and refreshed.
And to celebrate the New Year, DTA announce (finally) the DTA forums. It has been a long time coming with its fair share of gremlins on the way, but the DTA “Community Rooms” – our DTA Forums are open for chatting!
Get on there and start a conversation, be an early bird, chatter and be in the running to win some prizes – the best 3 posts up to 29th February will receive a prize!
The judge will be Emma our impartial Editor in Chief! (Her decision will be final).
2016 looks to be a very productive and busy time for DTA! Your Board had their first meeting for the year last night and have highlighted several key projects for the year. I have no doubt there will also be other new ideas presented to the Board as we move through the year, and in response to situations as they arise – that is always the case!
I want to share with you the projects the Board is currently working on. But first, some changes to how things happen.
You will recall I have talked about Portfolios and sought your inclusion within the portfolios in the past. One of the problems with the portfolios is that they became too large to effectively manage, and resulted in one or two Board members attempting to drive many actions. The Board have reviewed this process and have agreed that a more user-friendly approach would involve individual projects aligned to one (or in some cases 2) Board members, who then have the capacity to include other DTA members or stakeholders in the planning and facilitation of the project.
The current projects DTA are working on are the development of a suite of online training options for inclusion on the Healthstrong website, International Liaison, the Japan tour and reviewing, with a view to rolling out, Cognitive Stimulation Therapy training in Australia.
At the 2015 Conference, a group of members identified their desire to be part of a Private Practitioners group. From that gathering, the group have asked DTA to support applications for a Medicare provider number. DTA have responded and have contacted Medicare, who have an identified list of Allied Health Professionals for which Medicare offers payment for services. Diversional Therapy is not part of that list; the information DTA received is that the list is compiled by the Minister for Health. Last night, the Board agreed to pursue this and to investigate how and if Diversional Therapists can be included in that list, and therefore can apply for a Medicare provider number. This action will form another very relevant and worthwhile DTA project.
Maintaining your professional education as a Diversional Therapist is imperative in ensuring your skills and abilities are consistent with current industry trends. The recognition of the effort of study is equally important. DTA support this recognition across several educational areas.
Executive Officer, Margie Kennard, represented the DTA Board in attending the Bathurst Graduation on Thursday 17th December at CSU’s lovely Campus in the Central West NSW. The award winner, of the 2015 DTA Student Prize for Charles Sturt University’s Bachelor of Health Science, Leisure & Health was Jane Byers from the Blue Mountains. Congratulations Jane! Jane’s Mum and son accompanied her and, along with Margie representing DTA were a small and vocal cheer squad. Jane is not only a great student and worthy recipient of the DTA prize, she is also passionate about her DT career ahead, a wonderful mother and now a DTA Full Member! A worthy recipient; again, congratulations Jane!!!
All this good news is euphoric, and a great way to start the New Year! Please check out the forums – you have asked for it, and a great way for you to keep in touch, ask questions, get ideas, be part of a specific group, and have the opportunity to win a prize!
Louise Absalom