Hi Members,
As we move further into autumn, I find it refreshing to have the weather finally start to cool down. I love the autumn days of beautiful sunny days and crisp cool mornings and evening. There is lots happening this month to keep us all busy with Easter and ANZAC day just around the corner.
You may remember last conference we had Anne and Robin visit from NCTRC (National Council for Therapeutic Recreation Certification) in the US. We made the announcement that we would be introducing credentialing here through the DRTA. I had lots of members tell me how excited they were with us going down the credentialing path furthering our profession both nationally and internationally. The board has been working hard over the months to continue to build the DRTA’s relationship with the NCTRC and we now have a MOU in place. You know will be able to apply for credentialing with the NCTRC. There isn’t much more information at the present. We are still working out all the details, and will pass them onto you as soon as we can.
This did lead to the board discussing what we could offer our members. And I am pleased to announce that DRTA will be offering National Credentialing for members from July 2019. While all of the details are still being hammer out, I can say that all member will be automatically credentialed when renewing their membership. There will be a fee for credentialing, though the fee will be waived for this year. The credentialing will be valid for 2 years, meaning you won’t need to renew your credentialed status until 2021. Your membership and credentialing will be separate, so if you choose not to be credentialed you are still able to continue with your regular membership. If you wish to be internationally credentialed, we will have the pathway to the NCTRC for you. Keep an eye out in the coming months in the lead up to membership renewals for more information.
Conference planning as also been moving along quickly. We have secured our 2 keynote speakers. We are pleased to announce Keynote speaker for Day 1 is Renee Smith. Renee is a Diversional Therapist and long term DRTA member. Over the years she has held many roles and currently is a consultant with Dementia Support Australia. Keynote for Day 2 is Dr Cindy Jones, an associate professor of Behaviour Sciences at Bond University. Dr Jones has been the leading educator on sexualities and dementia in Australia. These are 2 exciting keynotes you don’t want to miss!! Conference registration is now open and Call for papers is open till the end of May. Please see the brochure attached at the end of this article for more information.
Don’t forget that Diversional and Recreation Therapy Week is just around the corner. We will be celebrating everything DRT on 13th – 19th May. Posters and PowerPoint presentations are now up on the website to download. Please contact the office if you have any difficulties.
That is all for this month. From everyone at DRTA, I wish you and your families a happy and safe Easter. Eat all the Easter eggs you can handle, and enjoy you time off work.
Kind regards,
Kylie Rice