Friday October 17th saw Diversional Therapists, Diversional Therapy assistants, Recreational Officers and Leisure and Lifestyle students from far and wide gather at Shepparton for a great day of learning, networking and the sharing of information. Delegates travelled from Swan Hill, Albury, Melbourne and of course the Goulburn Valley to the beautiful surrounds of The Connections functions rooms at Kids Town. The relaxed beautiful surrounds set the scene for a great day.
Speakers covered a range of topics including Vision Australia Services which included a practical experience of what it is like to have sight impairment, Parkinson’s Disease Support from the point of view of a carer, Alzheimer’s Australia took us through the Montessori approach to caring for people with dementia, Australian Hearing Services to provide a great service, Accreditation & the Australian Aged Care Quality Agency subduing our fears of accreditation and Continence Management from a DT view point- a really interesting and pertinent presentation. Members also had an opportunity to shine with Takeaway Cafe presentations- Leanne Jenvey’s Fishing activity was well thought through and obviously a lot of fun. This being the first DTA Workshop held in Shepparton it proved to be an informative , inspiring day for all those attending and we are already planning next year’s one- hope you can make it!
Submitted by: Christine Sutton
Note: Steph would also like to acknowledge and thank Christine for being facilitator on this workshop day.