Workshop Report – 6 December 2018

What a year 2018 has been- so many Workshops from one end of the country to the other. With Cognitive Stimulation Therapy Training happening around the country including Melbourne, Adelaide, Toowoomba, Cairns and Hobart- the word is getting out about the benefits of this therapy for people with mild to moderate Dementia. Register your interest in attending a workshop near you in 2019 through the DRTA website.

DRTA Workshops keep you up to date with the changes and the innovations that are happening in the Leisure and Lifestyle “industry”. Our one-day workshops open to members and non-members help to enhance your programs and provide you with professional development information on the newest ideas and industry best practices in line with consumer, service and government expectations. Attending these workshops can provide the professional development and continuous improvement needed to take your Leisure and Lifestyle programs to the next level.

We welcome feedback on the workshop schedule and remember if the planned workshops don’t meet your needs see below for further study and professional development options or contact me directly to discuss.

Workshop Suite Available
* Cognitive Stimulation Therapy workshops can be held in your facility enabling all those working with your residents with mild to moderate dementia to learn the skills to best assist those residents to retain cognitive functions by using the principles in this evidence-based therapy. Find out more about CST by clicking on the CST Training tab on the website.
*Leisure and Lifestyle in Practice- revisiting the principles and basics of Diversional Therapy tailored to your workplace and staff needs. Sessions include Person Centred Care, Meeting Accreditation Outcomes, Careplanning, Programming, Team work and Activities, Activities, Activities!
*Sick of travelling for education or not getting the appropriate education from your workplace? Want to feel inspired and re energised?
Why not have your network group host a DRTA workshop- not part of a network group? Contact your neighboring services, managing directors, education officers, or simply your fellow colleagues to create interest and numbers. Then let us know and we can organize the speakers you want to hear from and target the training you need to learn. We are always happy to discuss this option if there is sufficient interest.

Access to Leisure Workshop 11th February 2019
While aged care is the predominant area for our profession the disabilities, mental health and rehabilitation sectors are growing. The importance of our role to empower, foster inclusion and provide support to achieve the leisure goals of all people recognises that leisure and recreational experiences are the right of all individuals.
Our first workshop for the year, as always, highlights this area of focus for Diversional Therapists and Leisure and Lifestyle professionals and this year’s workshop is being held in beautiful Byron Bay! With a culture of inclusion and an expanding disabilities support sector this most easterly point of Australia offers alternative ideas for leisure and health activities. If you work in the disabilities sector then don’t miss your opportunity to immerse in the passion and be inspired by the work of locals working in the disabilities sector, breaking into new and exciting areas for inclusion, empowerment and equality as well as networking opportunities.

We have a presentation by deaf activist Asphyxia who in her humble experience wants to change the world and how people who are deaf and people with a disability in general can be included while learning how you can be part of the solution.

All Ability All Stars guest performers will perform some of the skills that highlight their abilities while creator Simone O’Brien provides an insight into the positive self-esteem building outcomes that can come from integrated performances.

DRTA President Kylie Rice will lead us through some Self Care practices while Renee Rizzo will look at the Diversional Therapy applications to address brain injury.

We will also work through a case study of accessing the NDIS as a service provider and learn essential knowledge and insights into navigating the NDIS system to support your services.

The day will also include our Takeaway CAFÉ initiative to learn new activities to incorporate in your disabilities, mental health or rehabilitation leisure activity calendars.
Register today on line!

Happy Holidays!
From the education and professional development team at DRTA we wish you a safe and happy holiday session and look forward to catching up with you again or indeed meeting you for the first time at one of our friendly, informative and educational workshop or training opportunities in 2019!

Thanks also to all those that have attended workshops and training in 2018!

Stephania Bejma
National Education Coordinator
Diversional and Recreation Therapy Association, Australia

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