Hi everyone and welcome to the DTA education update!
We have had a busy April and the next few months look even busier as we lead up to conference and our next lot of workshops. Check out the list of up and coming workshops and put them in your diary or register directly on line if you can make it!
See reviews from the Sydney CST and Adelaide workshops below with photos. A big thank you to Rosslyn Price the SA DTA board member for taking on her first workshop facilitator role- not an easy job. When I can’t get to a workshop the facilitator takes on the role to ensure that the day runs smoothly and that presenters and delegates are kept happy throughout the day. When I plan these workshops I often don’t know what the venue is like or what the presenters style is and the facilitator ensures the day runs to time as well as all forms are completed and returned, prizes are presented and certificates given out. Rosslyn has also done the workshop review you can read below.
Thanks again Ros, you are amazing!!
I am heading to our Orange NSW Workshop on the 13th of May in a few weeks’ time and looking forward to meeting up with members there- there are still places available so please register on line or call the office (Tuesdays to Thursdays) or email enquiries@diversionaltherapy.org.au for further information. The Shepparton Vic Workshop on the 3rd of June and the Port Broughton SA workshop on the 17th of June are also advertised on line -book early to avoid disappointment.
DTA’s inaugural Dementia Specific Workshop on the benefits of Cognitive Stimulation Therapy for people with early stage and mild dementia on Wednesday the 6th of April was a success with 12 people joining together to learn the techniques, background and facilitation of a successful CST program. Dr Kathy Peri was in attendance and was a fantastic resource as she took us through the criteria and practical application of this research proven program.
DTA will be rolling out this workshop education and is interested in hearing from you if you as a consultant or your facility would like to be included in the training.
It was great to have some attendees that are already implementing a CST program and others that are interested in putting it in place. We are scanning the options as to where would be the best place to run our next workshop. Let me know if your network group or facility is interested in implementing a CST program and would like to partake of the training.
The South Australian workshop was held on 8th April with a full day of informative speakers. The room was a little hard to find and a little noisy as we heard planes overhead. Attended by 27 people who travelled from far and wide, some people travelled from Mildura, Naracoorte, Booleroo Centre, Barossa Valley to name a few including a couple of students. A lot of networking with each other and sharing of ideas occurred throughout the day.
The day started with a very informative session with Anne Heard on Parkinson’s disease where everyone increased their understanding and awareness of this condition as the prevalence is increasing. We received suggestions of how to assist people with Parkinson’s to continue to live a good quality of life. Our next speaker Karen Roughly from the Independent living centre demonstrating the many different items which can assist a person to participate in leisure activities and to perform daily activities. They were left for everyone to have a look at over morning tea.
After the break Estelle Chapple from the IKON institute discussed the benefits of art therapy. Providing an opportunity for all attendees to draw their memories / emotions onto a paper to learn how it feels to us to be in tune with our emotional side. Continuing on Marc Pascal from Build Virtual Reality demonstrated their Virtual Reality technology that has been designed specifically for aged care continuing to grow and move into programs specific for people with dementia. All attendees had a try at the technology and asked many questions.
To finish the day speakers from Aged Care Standards and Accreditation Agency and ARAS both providing up to date and informative information that affects all of us. Several attendees won prizes throughout the day when they shared program ideas and information on how to organise a simple activity.
Overall a very informative day for those that attended. I would like to thank Deb Crawford for her support and assistance on the day.
Rosslyn Price
Workshop Facilitator
South Australian Board member
Diversional Therapy Australia.
If there is an area of interest that you would like to learn about or experience first-hand I am always looking for new ideas or workshop presenter topics-please email me at stephania@diversionaltherapy.org.au if you would like to contribute or suggest a presenter for a workshop near you!
Same goes if you have an area of interest you’d like to present!! Get all your PD points in one go by attending a workshop and preparing either a presentation or Takeaway café handout!! Or you might like to facilitate a workshop!
I hope you all stay well and happy until next month
Steph Bejma
DTA National Education Coordinator
Proposed Workshop Dates 2016
13th May NSW- Orange
3rd June VIC- Shepparton
17th June – SA Port Broughton
29th July QLD – Cairns
19th August NSW- Port Macquarie
29th August VIC- Warrnambool
16th September QLD-Gold Coast
12th November WA- Perth
22nd November NSW-Sydney/ North Ryde (on day of the AGM)
8th December TAS- Devonport
IMPORTANT: These proposed dates are subject to change depending on final arrangements.