National Workshop Programme News and Updates with Steph – 4 June 2014

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Hello everyone,

In my role, you have to be passionate about education. Learning and developing skills to improve your professional understanding and impact are what it is all about. I am passionate also about the self-development that occurs when you sign yourself up for a workshop– you not only get a chance to network and talk to others in your field and profession you are ready to absorb information and knowledge about something you are interested and passionate about- you are wanting to improve your professional understanding and in so doing become better at your job. It is in this vein that I always like to bring something extra to a workshop- something that can be used in your daily life as well as in your professional role. 

In our roles we are in the front line of dealing with people’s physical, emotional and mental wellbeing- but are we looking after our own first? We forever need to keep a smile on our faces so as we can bring a smile to the faces of others and they must be genuine!!! So here are some pointers to keep you smiling.

8 Ways to Smile inspired by Nicola Conville.

1. Keep things in perspective- don’t allow a few mishaps to spoil your day- don’t focus on the petty problems- ask yourself if what is happening now is going to matter in a week, month or years’ time? Most likely, it won’t.

2. Eat for Happiness-certain foods release happiness hormones in your body-foods such as turkey, dark chocolate, asparagus, eggs, yoghurt and leafy greens all give your body a natural boost. Choose healthy foods that will nourish your body- remember nothing tastes as good as healthy feels!

3. Focus on the present. Don’t live in the past or worry about the future, the only moment you have any control over is the one you’re living in right now.

4. Count your blessings- make an actual list of the things for which you are grateful-good health, food in the fridge, great friends- gratitude will make you realise all the things that are good and right and this will surely make you smile.

5. Enjoy the simple times-celebrate the small day to day things- allowing the drudgery of life to get you down stops you from appreciating little moments of beauty- that client who response, a cup of tea, a program that gets a really great response.

6. Listen to your body- How often do we push through fatigue or hunger? Listening to your body when it is telling you to eat, sleep, exercise or relax is one of the quickest ways to feel good.

7. Go for a walk –exercising releases endorphins, helps reduce stress, boost energy levels and helps you sleep better and just getting out into the fresh air can change your perspective.

8. Don’t compare yourself with other people-“Comparison is the thief of joy” said former US president Theodore Roosevelt. No one knows really what goes on in someone else’s life and there is no one as special or individual as you so comparisons are futile. Live your life to the best of your potential and remember the only person you have any control over is yourself so change your perspectives using these few ideas and turn your frown around.

And on that note let me leave you with this month’s inspirational quote:
“Ability is what you’re capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.” -Lou Holtz
Stephania Bejma

Workshops Report
The month of May saw two more successful workshops take place- one in Bairnsdale in the East Gippsland area of Victoria and one in our Nation’s Capital Canberra. Read the write ups below to remind yourself what went on if you attended or what you missed out on if you weren’t there!!

Due to my injury and timing the Hobart Workshop that was programmed on the 2nd of May has been postponed and given the level of interest in running a workshop in Devonport will be incorporated into one fantastic workshop in Tasmania this year on the 8th of August. Please save this date in your diaries and look out for the flyer in your letter boxes. I am always looking for suggested speakers so please let me know if you have any suggestions to add to the line-up.

Unfortunately again due to sickness and ill health the Perth workshop on the 27th of June has also been postponed- further information regarding the rescheduling will be out soon.

I’m looking forward to meeting everyone at the Ballina workshop on the 6th of June and extend an invitation to all those that missed out on the Brisbane workshop when the numbers overflowed needing us to close registrations- the line-up of presenters is very similar and it should be a great day!

We are getting a great response to the Cairns workshop- come take a winter break incorporating a workshop to get tax concessions. We have a surprise guest presenter at this workshop and hope to incorporate some on line training that will provide you with extra PD points. 

Email or call me for further information or 0404961393.

Bairnsdale 9th March
There has been a push this year to reach as many members and non-members in regional areas as we can. The thing with regional areas is finding the speakers that will travel to give a presentation and I am always pleasantly surprised by the enthusiasm of our presenters to bring important education and professional development in their areas of expertise. This was the case in Bairnsdale.

First up DTA member Shirley Noble took up the discussion of engaging the carer and what she has learnt that encourages participation by carers in providing services. Michelle Foster from Alzheimer’s Australia looked at the benefits of Montessori principles in working with people with dementia, while Dawn Sulley , network leader and facilitator for the day also presented on her workplace project –the Pop in Centres. Anne Marie Brothy from the Dementia Behaviour Management Advisory Board of Victoria demonstrated how Diversional Therapy is a powerful tool in the management of behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia.

Following on in giving similar education across all the workshops our Victorian Brain Gym presenter was Michelle Farran who took us through this movement-based program that has been proven to improve brain function, be sure to catch one of the Brain Gym presenters at a workshop near you. To round out this great workshop we had Kay Cotter who looked at what is art? What does it mean to you? And what are the Benefits of art as a therapy giving us ways to engage clients in different art forms while also having the chance to play. Big thanks for Dawn for facilitating and remember that bringing these workshops to the rural centres needs to be supported to make them viable. Thanks to all the locals who made the effort and made the day dynamic and educational.

Canberra 23rd May
This was my first tentative step back into attending and facilitating the workshops and while the driving to Canberra was done with the help of my lovely Mum, facilitating on the day was made easy by the enthusiasm and enjoyment on the day by those attending. Jill Brown from Alzheimer’s Australia talking about their Your Brain Matters program was highly relevant to our clients and to us. The ladies from Vision Australia brought along lots of examples of equipment that can be used to assist people with sight impairment as well as giving us glasses to wear to demonstrate the different sight people with different afflictions may see- it was a real eye opener so to speak!

Toni Salter the Veggie lady had us smelling, tasting and reminiscing in her sensory enhancing gardening and herb session- we all got to take home some plants as well. The highlight I felt was our enthusiastic take away cafe’s – Gaylene Henderson and Jannine Walters- as Gaylene pointed out it is an opportunity for you to show your passion and your skills- that everyone stayed till five o’clock goes to show the enthusiasm and passion of everyone there- we even got two new members- welcome. With lots of prizes, questions and networking on the day we will definitely look to run another workshop in Canberra in the future.

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