National Workshop Programme News and Updates with Steph – 30 October 2014

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Hello everyone.

While this year’s workshops are almost done (we still have the Perth workshop on the 15th of November –see you there- and the Sydney workshop on the 18th of November – the day of the AGM – see further information below), I am busily looking forward to next year and looking at an incredible array of metro and rural areas to run our workshops.My aim is to get as many people along as possible to enjoy the learning and interact and network with other people in this field. I have published below the list of probable workshops but am always happy to discuss hosting a workshop near you. The beauty of requesting and supporting a workshop through your networking groups is that we can work together to provide the exact information that your group wants to learn about. So have a discussion at your end of year Networking meetings and propose me a date and let’s see if we can bring a DTA workshop to you in 2015!
That is exactly what the Shepparton, Victoria group did and they have just enjoyed their workshop and while the numbers were not as high as we had hoped (though someone did travel four hours from Melbourne to be there) they enjoyed a personalised day of learning at a great venue that allowed for rejuvenation and interaction between some old and new friends. Thank you to Christine Sutton who facilitated on the day- see her report in this newsletter and be inspired to talk to me about organising the next workshop near you.
2014 is not over yet and we are currently promoting our Perth workshop in Western Australia on Saturday the 15th of November and the Sydney workshop on the day of the Annual General Meeting of the Association on the 18th of November. I will be at both these workshops and looking forward to interacting with you all on a personal level. The Sydney workshop is at the same venue that the AGM will be held so attend the workshop and the AGM in support of your association and get all your Professional Development points on the same day. (If you stay we will organise something in between so that we can reenergise!!)

So if you can make one of these last workshops for 2014 you can now fill in your online registration which goes straight through (or complete a printed copy and get it back to the office ASAP.) Let any non-members know they are always most welcome also – we need you to be the voice of DTA and if you know of any facility or colleague that are not currently receiving our information regarding workshops we are always happy to put them onto our database- with permission of course.

So enjoy this exciting time of year as the weather warms up as I leave you with these words of wisdom-

“The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a person’s determination.”
– Tommy Lasorda

‘Til next monthSteph

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