National Workshop Programme, News and Updates with Steph – 2 September 2015

Hello everyone and we hope for those of you who can make it, that you are getting excited about the 2015 DTA Conference on the Gold Coast- can’t wait to feel that sun on my back and meeting up with everyone again whilst excitedly making some new friends too I hope.

We have our sensational Conference workshop Activities, Activities, Activities to get the ball rolling on the Thursday- places are limited to ensure everyone gets to have that hands on experience so book now to reserve your place on the 15th of October- remember you don’t have to attend the Conference to attend the workshop.

While the conference is the highlight of the DTA calendar there are plenty of opportunities to attend training and meet up with other DTA members at our workshops and Network meetings. By the time this goes to press our Hamilton regional workshop will have taken place and perhaps the Canberra one is only days away (look forward to plenty of photos and reviews in our next newsletter). While August has been a quiet time for workshops (which is why this report is shorter) I have been putting together the 2016 workshop calendar so if you would like to have a workshop near you put in your expression of interest via your networking group or email me directly on stephania

I am also always looking out for new presentation ideas and Takeaway café activities. So drop me a line if you‘d like to touch base and tell me what you’d like to see at your next workshop.

And on that note I leave you with this quote:

Everything you want is out there waiting for you to ask. Everything you want also wants you. But you have to take action to get it.
– Jack Canfield

So until next time,
Steph Bejma
DTA National Education Coordinator

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