QLD Brisbane Workshop 13th March 2015
I think all 45 delegates would agree that the DTA workshop in Brisbane was a very productive and positive experience.
The workshop certainly provided attendees with skills and knowledge that would enhance their practice.
The full-day workshop included excellent and varied presentations including:
– The Australian Aged Care Quality Agency discussing accreditation information related to standard 3.
– Alzheimer’s Australia QLD Younger Onset Dementia Keyworker discussing the role of the National Younger Onset Keyworker Program.
– Promoting families and partnerships.
– The art of volunteering.
– The skills of networking.
– Activity ideas and inspiration for special events.
– New and creative activity ideas with the takeaway café.
The delicious morning tea and lunch periods provided delegates a chance to network, converse with presenters and purchase activity resources. I am sure new friendships were made during these breaks.
Thank you to everybody that attended this workshop and completed the survey which will assist the DTA to utilise the feedback or suggestions of our members. The feedback we received was very positive.
HOT NEWS!! Prof Sherry Dupuis Workshop at North Ryde in Sydney – she has generously agreed to present a half day at a Dementia focus workshop
Proposed* Workshop Dates 2015
17th April NSW –Regional -Coffs Harbour
24th April NSW – Special Presentation – Dementia Focus with Prof Sherry Dupuis (Canada)
16th May WA- Perth
22nd May- Vic-Melbourne
29th May NSW – Regional -Orange
12th June QLD-Regional- Far North Queensland
26th June SA- Regional-Port Pirie
17th July TAS- Launceston
31st August VIC– Regional – Hamilton
4th September-ACT-Canberra
18th September VIC– Regional – Shepparton
15th October -National Conference workshop- Gold Coast
14th November WA- Perth
17th November NSW-Sydney/ North Ryde (on day of the AGM)
IMPORTANT: These proposed dates are subject to change depending on final arrangements.