National Workshop programme news and updates with Steph – 13 March 2017

The workshop year is in full swing with our fourth annual Access to Leisure workshop in Sydney being held this last week. See the write up below.

The Cognitive Stimulation Therapy Master Classes are soon to be rolled out Nationally following some further refinement and a visit by Dr Kathy Peri to NSW. If you have already expressed your interest in learning this innovative therapy for people with mild to moderate dementia then I have your name down to be contacted, if you are interested and have not contacted DTA then please go on line through the website, click on the CST Training tab at the top and register now.

We are in Ulverstone Tasmania on the 4th of March with a fantastic line up of diverse presenters. If you are missed this workshop you can read all about what you missed out on in the next newsletter.

Our Melbourne workshop on the 24th of March is one you can still register for! An update to the line-up to now include IKON and the role of Art Therapy as well on the day. For a jam-packed workshop with limited places, register now to avoid disappointment.

Access to Leisure
Our annual access to leisure workshop was again held at the world renown Ryde Rehab on the 21st of February. The world class facilities and the dedicated leisure staff make this venue a serene, accessible facility for rehabilitation and a great training venue. With a special shout out to Kate who attended the workshop via skype from her loungeroom in western NSW, all attendees contributed, participated and added value to an interactive workshop providing some valuable professional development and practical activities to take away. Check out the video up-loaded on Facebook of the fun and flow on the day. This workshop explored the future of assessments, working with refugees, gardening in a community setting and engaging activities while ensuring the accessibility of leisure for all with some practical applications. Thanks to all those who made it a great day.

Check out the Proposed 2017 workshop list on line and pencil in a workshop near you or choose another workshop at a destination you would like to visit and plan a holiday while gaining professional development. Barossa Valley Workshop Flyer out soon. Check on line.

Also available on request if you have a group or facility wanting to run a general training and inspiring session of Leisure and Lifestyle in Practice contact for further information

Leisure and Lifestyle in Practice
An individualised workshop specifically formulated for your facility, staff and or client base. When your team needs direction we revisit the basics and build on their knowledge including assessment and communication skills, presentation, engagement and inclusion, evaluation of the program and a multitude of activity ideas that can inspire. Need a specific outcome addressed? A program of continuous improvement can be tailored to your needs. Contact DTA today to discuss designing a training session specifically for you.

Also available to your facility is an in-house CST Workshop
DTA offer a one-day workshop on the successful implementation of Stage 1 Cognitive Stimulation Therapy for people with mild to moderate dementia. Learn the system that has had proven benefits on cognition, social interaction and general wellbeing that is revolutionising the outcomes of dementia diagnosis. On completion you will have the tools to set up and run the initial and ongoing programs, accommodating the specific interests of your group, as well as how to measure and evaluate the outcomes. Ongoing support is available in the setting up and running of your group as needed. Contact for more information.

Till next time these words of wisdom-
“Never miss an opportunity to make others happy, even if you have to leave them alone in order to do it.” (Unknown)

Steph Bejma
DTA National Education Coordinator

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