Since our last Newsletter DTA have had a number of workshops Cairns, Port Macquarie, Warrnambool and the Gold Coast and of course our exciting conference workshop on the 6th of October. Our Activities, Activities, Activities workshop saw lots of people returning for a day of incredible practical experiences and an opportunity to network and connect and reconnect with people who know what your working day is really like.
Workshops Coming up
Our Sydney workshop on the 22nd of November is out now so if you are a member and want to attend the AGM why not sign up for the workshop as well. Our Perth Workshop is also going ahead however note the change in date to Saturday the 3rd of December just in time for lots of Christmas ideas.
DTA Conference
One of the exciting things that came out of Conference is the role of Cognitive Stimulation Therapy and how leisure and lifestyle staff are in the prime position to implement this therapy for people with mild to moderate dementia. We are excited about the interest that it gained following our Key note speakers and thank you for coming to see me regarding your interest. Look out for a CST training near you and if you’d like a workshop in your facility please call DTA directly so we can put you on the calendar for later this year or early next.
CST Workshop
DTA offer a one-day workshop on the successful implementation of Stage 1 Cognitive Stimulation Therapy for people with mild to moderate dementia. Learn the system that has had proven benefits on cognition, social interaction and general wellbeing that is revolutionising the outcomes of dementia diagnosis. On completion you will have the tools to set up and run the initial and ongoing programs, accommodating the specific interests of your group, as well as how to measure and evaluate the outcomes. Ongoing support is available in the setting up and running of your group as needed. Contact for more information.
Leisure and Lifestyle in Practice
An individualised workshop specifically formulated for your facility, staff and or client base. When your team needs direction we revisit the basics and build on their knowledge including assessment and communication skills, presentation, engagement and inclusion, evaluation of the program and a multitude of activity ideas that can inspire. Need a specific outcome addressed? A program of continuous improvement can be tailored to your needs. Contact DTA today to discuss designing a training session specifically for you.
Workshops Reports
Cairns QLD, Workshop 29th July
Cairns was balmy compared to the wintery feel engulfing the rest of the country and 18 people came from far and wide to get a dose of inspiration at the third workshop we have run in Cairns in three years. Anne Joyce from the Cairns & Hinterland Hospital & Health Service talked about Palliative Care giving information on local services available at the end of life (or when a disease is terminal) and how patient can access their care. Presentations on Laughter Yoga and Parkinson’s Disease were topped off by the Art Therapy session from IKON via a Webinar. Kay Gravell the newly appointed Director of IKON hosted an Art Therapy Session through the powers of modern technology, from Melbourne! She took the group though some basic art based activities and had us discussing the use of colour and shapes as a show of emotion and development. It was great to get together and share ideas, information, activities and the beautiful Far North Queensland Winter with some great members and a few newly signed up members. Welcome to the Association ladies!!.
Port Macquarie, NSW Workshop 19th August
This NSW workshop also saw the use of new technologies. Occupational Therapist Ruwani Siriwardene from Independent Living NSW showed us lots of inventions and adaptations to make life for some easier- real life hack. Laughter Yoga had us in stitches and the always interesting Dr Kirsten Roberson- Gillam had us discussing the metaphysical nature of the Brain and the mind and how these sometimes work against each other in terms of Parkinson’s Disease. Kirsten mentioned a book called “Tell me a Story: Sharing Stories to Enrich Your Child’s World” by Elaine Reese (2013) Oxford University Press. This looks at the power of recall and memory when reminiscence is done daily and experiences are recalled- children can even remember being born!! Gina Buber from SMILE and Sway sold some of her energetic and musical DVD’s giving another tool to those wanting to incorporate fun into their exercise program – and who doesn’t want to have fun as they exercise.
Warrnambool, Vic Workshop 5th September
Joy Errey welcomed a very dedicated group to the Warrnambool workshop with attendees travelling from areas including Portland, Heywood, Casterton, Coleraine, Ballarat, Hamilton, Warrnambool, Timboon, Terang and Camperdown.
First presenter DTA member Sandy Hindi, literally had everyone bouncing on their toes as she explained the connections between exercise and massage through her Bounce for Life presentation and The Five Tibetan Rites left us all in fine spirits and feeling fresh.
Rachel Mackinlay from Alzheimer’s Australia explained the services they provide including the award winning Virtual Dementia Experience. Members within the group highly recommended attending this educational experience which gives insight into the journey of the person with dementia through their eyes. Rachel shared her work experiences to emphasise that each person is an individual and so is their journey. Dementia is now the second leading cause of death in this country.
Suzanne Primmer and Haylee Finn, (along with Haylees 6 week old son Louie), who are professional instructors in the field of Pilates had members doing either floor based or chair based Pilates at their own pace. Thank you to Sue and Haylee for sharing your knowledge and exercise programme. I think everyone is standing taller and sitting straighter already.
Following lunch, Barry Clarke and Anna Azzopardi from MI Fellowship (previously ASPIRE) came to speak. Barry explained the role of MI Fellowship and the services available through them. Anna is a Peer at MI Fellowship. Anna spoke of her emotional fear when diagnosed with multiple personality disorder and that it has taken her a long time to have the right people around her and how important it is to have professional help from someone who you respect and who respects you. Anna completed her presentation by explaining how she has overcome her disengagement from social interaction to public speaking, “It is about reconnecting with myself and learning to truly appreciate who I am.”
To round off a very full programme, three Takeaway Cafes were presented by members of DTA.
Thank you Joy Errey for facilitating at the workshop and to all the members that supported her and make these regional workshops possible.
Gold Coast, Qld Workshop 16th September
A great attendance of enthusiast attendees, enjoyed an action packed program with great networking and exchange of ideas and information with Glenda Kubler DTA Queensland rep, once again facilitating.
Joyce Glen from Palliative Care Services gave us a clear vision of what they do as well as information on the day to day flexibility, comfort and homelike environment that is provided through the service while Deanne Lawrie from the Elder Abuse Prevention Unit provided information on the classification of abuse and insight into cases and scenarios and what action can be taken to protect our elders living in a variety of places and situations.
Kathy Prain, from the Australian Aged Care Quality Agency challenged everyone to define culture through the selection of photographs she provided. We were then advised on different ways and processes to meet the individuals/care recipients we work with spiritual and cultural needs as defined in the standards for accreditation.
Tina Dolphin from Better Questions looked at the way we communicate, problem solve for others through conversation with those we work with and care for, instead of encouraging them to solve and think for themselves with the correct verbal prompts. Asking better questions will change the way we communicate.
Gina Buber had everyone re energised with her Smile and Sway Program. This “chair dancing program” or “exercise in disguise” was great fun with everyone swaying and moving to a samba beat and definitely smiling. The DVDs sold like hot cakes.
Dr Amanda Moffat, Art Therapist from IKON provided a very comprehensive overview of art therapy with everyone participating in 2 drawing exercises. This provided inspiration on how we could use different forms of art in our workplace.
The Takeaway CAFÉ segment provided a lot of ideas and lightbulb moments on what activities to engage men in and for women how to make paper roses and ideas for use, as well as a Fish Weave pattern with suggestions on projects for everyone.
Thanks to Glenda and Julie Carter (who helped on the day) for your support in making this workshop a success.
Conference Workshop 6th October
Thanks to all the people that attended this year’s conference workshop and made the day so much fun and a hub of activity and excitement. See photos below.
Remember if you’d like to present at a workshop on a topic you are interested in or passionate about you can gain all your PD points in one go! The Takeaway CAFÉ handout and short 10-minute presentation may be a nice way to ease yourself into presenting to your peers and also get you your PD points for the year. Enquire now via email (We are always very happy to discuss your training needs and how we can make a DTA workshop work for you!- Call today!)
Remember “Motivation will almost always beat mere talent”. -Norman R. Augustine
Till next time
Steph Bejma
DTA National Education Coordinator
Proposed Workshop Dates 2016
12th November WA- Perth
22nd November NSW-Sydney/ North Ryde (on day of the AGM)
8th December TAS- Devonport
IMPORTANT: These proposed dates are subject to change depending on final arrangements.