With one more workshop to go this year, 2016 has been exciting and successful for DTA.
The Perth Workshop coming up on the 3rd December may already have passed on receiving this newsletter however spread the word that a workshop is coming to a place near you- all you need to do is encourage and motivate a group of DT’s in your area and contact me to get things started.
Check out the Proposed2017 workshop list on line and pencil in a workshop near you or choose another destination you would like to visit and plan a holiday around your professional development. (Check out the related tax deductions that may make a holiday to your “Professional Development” destination really worthwhile).
Sydney Workshop
Since our last Newsletter we had our Sydney workshop on the 22nd of November followed by the DTA AGM. It was great to meet the 19 attendees at the workshop who enjoyed a visit from the Aged Care Quality Review Agency – hearing directly how to achieve accreditation from the leisure perspective. They also received information on Carers NSW from Jacqui Parker and an insight into Parkinson’s Disease from Dr Kirsten Robinsons- Gillian- a leader in Parkinson’s education and the development of individual programs that can assist those with the disease. Lauretta Kaldor shared her brilliant dementia specific ideas and resources with us and we discussed Advance Care Planning and Facilitating Effective Engagement through Leisure as well as went through some highly engaging Takeaway CAFÉ’s -creative activities for everyone. Congratulations also to the new members who signed up at the workshop and welcome-it is great to have you aboard!
Speaking of “aboard” are you going on the DTA Cruise in February?What a great learning opportunity and the whole thing is Tax deductable when you complete the 2 Mental Health modules on offer. Contact the office now for details if you’d like to sail out with a great crew for a fun adventure and learning experience. Bon Voyage.
It is very exciting planning the workshops for next year and hope that you may get along to one of the exciting training opportunities now being offered through DTA:
CST Workshop
DTA offer a one-day workshop on the successful implementation of Stage 1 Cognitive Stimulation Therapy for people with mild to moderate dementia. Learn the system that has had proven benefits on cognition, social interaction and general wellbeing that is revolutionising the outcomes of dementia diagnosis. On completion you will have the tools to set up and run the initial and ongoing programs, accommodating the specific interests of your group, as well as how to measure and evaluate the outcomes. Ongoing support is available in the setting up and running of your group as needed. Contact enquiries@diversionaltherapy.org.au for more information.
Leisure and Lifestyle in Practice
An individualised workshop specifically formulated for your facility, staff and or client base. When your team needs direction we revisit the basics and build on their knowledge including assessment and communication skills, presentation, engagement and inclusion, evaluation of the program and a multitude of activity ideas that can inspire. Need a specific outcome addressed? A program of continuous improvement can be tailored to your needs. Contact DTA today to discuss designing a training session specifically for you.
As the year draws to a close I hope that everyone has good memories of the past year and have grown in themselves personally and professionally.
Remember “Never Stop learning: when we stop learning we stop growing” -Loyal “Jack”Lewman.
Stay Safe over the holidays everyone and don’t forget to treat yourself right!
Till next time
Steph Bejma
DTA National Education Coordinator