National Workshop Program, News and Updates with Steph – 7 April 2017

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What a great month March was!!
We were in Ulverstone Tasmania on the 4th with a fantastic line up of diverse presenters and our Melbourne workshop on the 24th of March was only a few days ago, and was also a great day of diversity, networking and exchanging of ideas and learning and getting out of our comfort zones! See photos and write ups below.

Our proposed workshop list for 2017 has recently been updated with the rolling out of the Cognitive Stimulation Therapy Master Training Class programs nationally. Check out the list on line and pencil in a workshop near you. You can also continue to register your intertest by going on line through the DRTA website, click on the CST Training tab at the top and complete your details. If you have several DT’s, Leisure and Lifestyle staff, RAOs or assistants at your facility that may like to learn this therapy and its implementation to people with Mild to Moderate dementia then contact the DRTA office or email me directly at to discuss bringing the training to you.

Our South Australian Barossa Valley Workshop on the 7th of April is still open for registrations- and our Brisbane Workshop on the 28th of April is now up on line so book early to avoid disappointment. Our Dubbo workshop on the 12th of May will be a CST Master Training Class workshop and the flyer will be out soon – you will receive this via email directly if you have registered your interest.

Also available on request if you have a group or facility wanting to run a general training and inspiring session is our Leisure and Lifestyle in Practice workshops-see below-contact or myself directly for further information.

Leisure and Lifestyle in Practice
An individualised workshop specifically formulated for your facility, staff and or client base. When your team needs direction we revisit the basics and build on their knowledge including assessment and communication skills, presentation, engagement and inclusion, evaluation of the program and a multitude of activity ideas that can inspire. Need a specific outcome addressed? A program of continuous improvement can be tailored to your needs. Contact DRTA today to discuss designing a training session specifically for you.

Also available to your facility is an in-house CST Workshop
DTA offer a one-day workshop on the successful implementation of Stage 1 Cognitive Stimulation Therapy for people with mild to moderate dementia. Learn the system that has had proven benefits on cognition, social interaction and general wellbeing that is revolutionising the outcomes of dementia diagnosis. On completion you will have the tools to set up and run the initial and ongoing programs, accommodating the specific interests of your group, as well as how to measure and evaluate the outcomes. Ongoing support is available in the setting up and running of your group as needed. Contact for more information.

Workshop Write Ups
Ulverstone, Tasmania

The group was small but eager to network, learn and get the most out of the first Tasmanian workshop since November 2015. Frances Groenewold from Alzheimer’s Australia brought a plethora of resources and ideas to engage our clients with dementia discussing the Montessori program and latest catalogues. Our DRTA Newsletter editor and recent arrival to Tasmania, Emma Preston, took us through an Accessible Gardening presentations and its Therapeutic Outcomes, Thanks Em! We were all focused and full of questions for Sue Newman from Working it Out – Tasmania’s Gender, Sexuality and Intersex Status Support and Education Service. She spoke about how in our roles we can be more inclusive when working with people from this group and some of their expectations in the aged care sector. My presentation on Facilitating Effective Engagement through Activities had us doing some practical art and getting our fingers dirty making paper mosaics. Our day was topped off with another great presentation from Charlie Hayes from Wellways Australia talking honestly and candidly about his own mental health journey and recognizing the triggers that can set up a spiral of consequences and how by including daily wellness practices for people with mental illness through activities such as meditation, mindfulness and purposeful engagement we can provide stability and support for some individuals. It was also great that our Tasmanian board member Barbara Davis could be there and for members to meet and exchange information, contact details and start discussions about setting up a Skype networking group across Tasmania. Good luck ladies and remember contact Katrina Vuori our National Network Group Coordinator for any information on setting up a net work group near you.

Melbourne, Victoria
The Grand Prix starting on the day of the workshop didn’t stop a great group of Diversional Therapists, Leisure and Lifestyle staff, RAOs and Cert IV and Diploma students attending our at capacity workshop in the heart of Melbourne. The first presenter Sandy Hindi got us all bounding, jumping, brushing and tapping our way to wellness as she empowered us all to take home her important message regarding the lymphatic system as the path to overall health and immunity. Thanks Sandy for making it on the day despite recovering from a car accident- your vitality and stamina due no doubt to your 3-minute rebounding routine shone through. The Pecazo Aquariums designed by Philippa Levy were of interest to many as they enable an update on the old type aquariums and address many of the shortcomings of this otherwise great addition to your facility’s environment. Check them out on line if you are interested. The lovely Donna Matthews from IKON took us through the benefits of Art Therapy and how you can bring more art into your programs through addressing outcomes. Thanks Donna for the opportunity to get our creative thoughts onto paper. The enthusiasm of Chris Grady for anything Diversional Therapy saw a fantastic presentation, experiential yoghurt painting (fantastic alternative for those that like to taste the paint 😊) and a generous giveaway with everyone receiving a DVD of 26 activity ideas to take home. Thanks Chris, your generosity and wealth of experience is always very much appreciated. Sally Goldner from Transgender Victoria capped off our thoughtful and ideas inspiring presentations. Sally’s eagerness to educate and openness saw many of our questions answered and our queries addressed. Our day was complete with Andras Jakab and Suzane Goodes (who came all the way from Adelaide) presenting their Takeaway Café- Creative Activities for Everyone. Thanks, Andras and Sooze for sharing your successful programs and presentations on Parkinson’s Dance groups and Engaging a Personal Trainer. It was wonderful to spend the day with you all and also meeting our new Victoria Board member Daniel Gray- Thanks Dan for your input and representing such a great group of DRTA members.

Till next time I offer these words of wisdom while wishing you all a safe and happy Easter break if you can get one “Nothing will work unless you do” – John Wooden

Till next month
Steph Bejma
DTA National Education Coordinator

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