Wow what a great month May was and for that matter April as well! See the write up below for the Brisbane and Dubbo workshops with some great photos. Thanks to all those that make the workshops a successful learning experience ensuring each participant takes away some great professional development and enjoying the opportunity to network with others exchanging vital activity ideas and experiences. As the surveys contest these workshops offer relevant and diverse topics that relate specifically to the Leisure and Lifestyle industry. Thanks David Mas and Glenda Kubler- two dedicated DRTA board members-for facilitating again at the Brisbane workshop last month.
Cognitive Stimulation Therapy Training
If you registered your interest in CST training you have hopefully received an email from me letting you know of the CST training workshops coming up near you. The proposed workshop list for 2017 has been updated with the proposed Cognitive Stimulation Therapy Training workshops now available online. Check out the list at
You can also continue to register your intertest by going through the DRTA website, clicking on the CST Training tab and completing your details. If you have several DT’s, Leisure and Lifestyle staff, RAOs or assistants at your facility that may like to learn this therapy and its implementation to people with Mild to Moderate dementia then we also have facility rates available for up to 18 people at each training contact the DRTA office or email me directly at to discuss bringing the training to your workplace.
Coming Workshops
Looking forward to seeing you all at the next few workshops coming up on Friday 9th June in Townsville, 30th June in Wollongong, 7th July for CST Training in Brisbane then heading to Victoria on Tuesday the 11th July for CST Training in Shepparton and then Friday 14th July at the Skills Training Australia training rooms in Melbourne. Register on line now.
Workshop Write Ups
Brisbane QLD
The Brisbane Workshop was facilitated by board members David Mas with the assistance of Glenda Kubler. David is the new Queensland DRTA Board Rep and Glenda who has held numerous positions on the board is now the DRTA Secretary.
To get the ball rolling Glenda facilitated a “getting to know you” activity to promote socialisation and new connections based on the Takeaway CAFÉ game of “Getting to know you “Bingo.
David then presented a session on professional values and how our values may influence service delivery to clients.
Chris Gauld who works with David in the TAFE system presented 2 sessions. The first was focusing on “case management” and the second on “activity programming”. Chris brought a wealth of knowledge and experience to the workshop and we are all eagerly awaiting the publication of her book on programming. Thanks Chris.
After lunch Jade Gilchrist, a great supporter of DRTA and working herself to increase the professionalism of the work we do, presented on “Baby boomers and the impact on service requirements”.
Glenda then gave a presentation on “Keeping it fresh and innovative” which included many inspiring tips based on her own experiences in implementing leisure activities that are client-centred.
Thank you Birgitte Praestin, a DRTA member who delivered a “takeaway CAFE” on sun downing activities to finish up the day. The workshop was very interactive with much participation from all participants. Thanks everyone for making it a great day and we are all looking forward to the CST workshop coming to Brisbane on the 7th of July.
Dubbo NSW
Thanks to an eager group of DT’s, Leisure and lifestyle staff and RAO’s from different NSW regional areas and services including Wagga who attended the Dubbo CST training, it was a good example of sharing experiences while learning a program that can make such a difference to the lives of the people we work with. The CST training was interactive and allowed each participant to get a feel for how it may run in their work place. See some great photos below.
Also available on request if you have a group or facility wanting to run a general training and inspiring session is our Leisure and Lifestyle in Practice workshops -contact or myself directly for further information.
In the meantime, think about this:
“Strive for progress, not perfection”. -Unknown
Till next month
Steph Bejma
DTA National Education Coordinator