We are so excited to be launching our National training sessions for Cognitive Stimulation Therapy with the proposed workshop list for 2017 being updated to include the Cognitive Stimulation Therapy Master Training Class programs. Check out the list on line and pencil in a workshop near you. You can also continue to register your interest by going on line through the DRTA website, click on the CST Training tab at the top and complete your details. If you have several DT’s, Leisure and Lifestyle staff, RAOs or assistants at your facility that may like to learn this therapy and its implementation to people with Mild to Moderate dementia then contact the DRTA office or email me directly at stephania@diversionaltherapy.org.au to discuss bringing the training to your workplace.
Our South Australian Barossa Valley Workshop on the 7th of April with a small and dedicated group returned some great feedback. See the write up below. Our Brisbane Workshop on the 28th of April is included at the end thanks to David Mas for submitting the article.
One you can still register for is our CST Master Training Class workshop in Dubbo, NSW on the 12th of May the flyer is on line – you will receive this via email directly if you have registered your interest in CST.
Our Townsville Workshop is also up on the website – it is on the 9th of June and will include some local services as well as some best practice presentation- while not a public holiday in Queensland or WA that weekend is the Queen’s Birthday long weekend everywhere else- so take advantage of the extra day and fly north to support our Far North Queensland towns recovering from recent storms, while receiving quality DRTA training that you can claim for tax purposes. Win/Win.
Also available on request if you have a group or facility wanting to run a general training and inspiring session is our Leisure and Lifestyle in Practice workshops-see below-contact enquiries@diversionaltherapy.org.au or myself directly for further information.
Leisure and Lifestyle in Practice
An individualised workshop specifically formulated for your facility, staff and or client base. When your team needs direction we revisit the basics and build on their knowledge including assessment and communication skills, presentation, engagement and inclusion, evaluation of the program and a multitude of activity ideas that can inspire. Need a specific outcome addressed? A program of continuous improvement can be tailored to your needs. Contact DRTA today to discuss designing a training session specifically for you.
Workshop Write Ups
Barossa Valley, SA
The group was small but eager to network, learn and get the most out of this DRTA workshop bringing training to regional South Australia. The beautiful Barossa Valley was starting to show some Autumn colours and our first presenter the lovely Rebekah Popescu from the IKON art Institute took advantage bringing in an array of items from nature to motivate an art session. We practiced with different art medium, deciphering our own attitude and feeling towards each. We wrote a haiku based on our nature items and discussed the difference between Art Therapy and art as leisure and that for Art to happen there should be a safe space where artistic abilities aren’t judged and simply enjoyed. My presentation on Facilitating Effective Engagement through Activities continued our emersion into practical art with some paper mosaic making having us all engaged. In other sessions, we looked at the games that we could make and play within our often very tight budgets and the different Assessments that we can use to influence our programming. Our afternoon session by Brain Gym instructor Tania McGregor was entertaining and informative providing lots of little hints on reactivating our brains and getting the right brain /left brain engaged again. Thanks to DRTA member Raelene Harding for doing a Takeaway café presentation on her own Popup Café idea that lead to the creation of a recipe book by residents in her facility. It was also great to see SA board member Roslyn Price attending and to catch up with a few other DRTA supporters who could be there- even one coming from Kangaroo Island for the day.
Brisbane Workshop – Submitted by David Mas
Workshop was facilitated by David Mas with the assistance of Glenda Kubler.
Glenda facilitated a “getting to know you” activity to promote socialisation and new connections with participants. David Mas presented a session on “professional values” and how our values may influence service delivery to clients. Chris Gauld presented 2 sessions. The first was focusing on “case management” and the second on “activity programming”. After lunch Jade Gilchrist presented on “Baby boomers and the impact on service requirements”. Glenda Kubler gave a presentation on “Keeping it fresh, and innovative” which included many inspiring tips regarding implementation of leisure activities that are client-centred. Birgitte Praestin delivered a “takeaway cafe” on sundowning activities. Due to technical issues we did not play the Namaste video but I offered to send link to anyone requesting this and gave my email address.
The workshop was very interactive with much participation of participants.The majority of participants stayed until the end of the workshop which ended at 4pm.
Till next time I leave you with these insightful words of wisdom: “Never miss an opportunity to make others happy, even if you have to leave them alone in order to do it.” (Anon)
Till next month
Steph Bejma
DTA National Education Coordinator