The first Queensland workshop for 2014 was held in Brisbane on the 11th of April with 65 attendees – Thanks to Glenda Kubler and Ian Platell who facilitated this large workshop from which we had to turn some people away due to the excessive numbers (if you were unable to attend this workshop then the Ballina, NSW workshop coming up on the 6th of June may be your answer or look out for our first Far North Queensland workshop in Cairns on the 11th of July).
The first guest speaker, Linda Wells, was a little nervous in front of such a large crowd passing on her knowledge of The Younger Onset Dementia Key Worker program, a single point of contact to assist younger people with dementia, their carer and family developed by Alzheimer’s Australia to explore individual plans and strategies, interests and capacity.
Vision Australia presenters and Cathy Meyer from EdeninOZ and NZ were very well received with people asking for further information. Gillian Johnson from Brain Gym “found her groove” after a while although the group size made it a bit difficult and there was a lot of discussion on how to modify and adjust the movements to suit the needs of clients/residents. A highlight was Glenda Kubler’s Adjusting Activity session and Takeaway Cafés giving plenty of practical ideas while yoga for Seniors was relaxing.
(To find the closest qualified practitioner of Yoga or Hatha Yoga teacher near you check out the Find Teachers link at the International Yoga Teachers Association website.)