I am a RAO and I also do a bit of nursing when needed. What I was finding was that some of my residents were getting confused about what role I was on any particular day e.g. RAO or nurse, so I came up with a plan. I went online and bought different designed surgical and cook caps to wear when I am the RAO and doing activities. I have caps that have bingo, bowls, birthday party, ball games, buses, cooking , craft , art ,chocolate, crosswords, cocktail glasses for happy hour, jigsaw puzzle pieces, music, flowers and other designs on them so not only do the residents know that when I’m wearing a hat I’m their Activity officer, they also can tell what we will be doing most of the time, which has had a good effect on the residents with STML. No hat then I’m your nurse. Photos attached are of some of my hats plus a photo at the DT members Christmas breakfast wearing hats.Submitted by: Robyn Crump