Coleraine 2014 Winter Olympic Games.
On Wednesday 12th February 2014 the Winter Olympic Games were held at our Wannon Hostel. On Tuesday the Olympic Torch Relay started its journey around the facility which also included an outing with some residents.
On the day of our Games all residents assembled in the lounge room grouped in their allocated country. The Olympic Torch was carried by a resident into the stadium, with the dignitaries and team leaders following to the sounds of applause and cheers.
We then listened to our very special Guest Speaker ‘Jet Chernobyl’ give ‘her’ opening address which included some very funny comments. All enjoyed the Opening with some even asking at the end of it if some of what was said was true.
After the Athletes’ Pledge the Games commenced starting with the Snowman Race …with some definite cheating going on! The Snowball Throw, Snowball Shots and Snowman Shuffle followed with one competitor being disqualified for being intoxicated and not passing the drug test.
The final event was the ever popular Paper Tear with everyone taking particular care in their efforts which resulted in some amazing results.Competitors were very pleased to be presented with their Gold, Silver and Bronze Medals and they were very proud to show off their medals to some of the people from the community that attended.
At the conclusion of the Games we had a Closing Ceremony which was followed by a rousing rendition of the National Anthem. Everyone then enjoyed a lovely afternoon tea with many comments and much laughing going on about the fun of the games which everyone enjoyed.
Marlene Lee
Diversional Therapist
Wannon Hostel, Coleraine Vic