Members Article – Ed’s Damper Recipe

Damper is the bush-bread of Australia. Drovers baked Damper in camp ovens buried in the hot ashes of their camp fires in the Outback, but if you don’t want to build a camp fire in your backyard, damper can also be baked in a normal kitchen oven.

You will need:

4 cups self-raising flour
½ teaspoon salt
1½ cups milk
extra flour

Sift the flour and salt into a bowl and make a well in the middle. Pour in the milk and mix. Grease the baking tray and dust with flour. Place dough on the tray. Cut a cross in the top surface of dough. Place in oven and cook for approx 20 – 30 minutes or until it sounds hollow when knocked on. Bake at 220 degrees. Serve with cocky’s joy (Golden Syrup) or vegemite.

For a twist add in some extras such as:
mashed pumpkin and parmesan cheese
mixed fruit
swirl of jam
cheese and herbs

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