Title: The Role of a Disability-Specific Camp in Promoting Social Acceptance and Quality of Life for Youth With Hearing Impairments
Author: Mary Ann Devine, Jennifer Piatt, Shay L. Dawson
Journal: Therapeutic Recreation Journal, vol 49, no 4.
Social acceptance, a foundation for friendship development and social inclusion, occurs when there is equal status among individuals, regardless whether the individual has a disability or not. Disability-specific residential camps for youth with similar life experiences may be one environment where social acceptance occurs. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between social acceptance and health-related quality of life for youth attending a residential summer camp specifically designed for people with hearing impairments who have cochlear implants or hearing aids. Results indicated disability specific residential camps may have an impact on social acceptance and perceived health related quality of life.
Key words:
camp, social acceptance, health related quality of life, youth with hearing impairments
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