Journal Watch – 4 May 2015

Title: I Tie Flies in My Sleep: An Autoethnographic Examination of Recreation and Reintegration for a Veteran with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

Journal: Journal of Leisure and Research, Vol 47, no 2.

Authors: Warren D. Price, Neil R. Lundberg, Ramon B. Zabriskie, Keith W. Barney

This autoethnographic account details the author’s ongoing struggle with combat-related posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and how leisure was integral in his journey toward recovery. By showing the mental and emotional struggles of life with the disorder, this paper offers an alternative viewpoint from the traditional scientific studies of PTSD, which bury soldiers’ voices under layers of analysis. The purpose of this paper is to deepen and expand an understanding of both combat-related PTSD and the power of leisure in an individual’s recovery from combat trauma.

OIF/OEF veteran; posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD); autoethnography; coping; family rituals; leisure; reintegration

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