Journal Watch – 30 September 2014

Therapeutic Recreation Journal – Call for Papers

The Therapeutic Recreation Journal (TRJ), published by Sagamore Publishing LLC for the National Recreation and Park Association, is soliciting manuscripts. TRJ is a quarterly publication devoted to publishing scholarly and substantive manuscripts in the field of therapeutic recreation/recreation therapy.

Professionals, students, and academics both in and outside the profession of therapeutic recreation/recreation therapy are encouraged to present original research, practice perspectives, reviews, conceptual and theoretical papers, student papers, and brief reports. TRJ follows the sixth edition of the APA style manual as the preparation and submission guide with articles undergoing a double-blind review process through associate editors with expertise appropriate to the particular submission. The review process takes approxi-mately six weeks.

The central criteria for publication are that the material is (a) germane to the topic of therapeutic recreation/recreation therapy; (b) theoretically, empirically, or practically based; and (c) substantive in the sense of proposing, discovering, or replicating knowledge in the field of therapeutic recreation/recreation therapy.

Guidelines, Submissions, and Editorial Policy
The editorial policy, guidelines, and submission instructions may be accessed at http:// Manuscripts may be submitted electronically, and no fee is associated with consideration or publication. If you have problems submitting your paper online, please use the “contact us” link on the website. TRJ features an online edition as well. 

Marcia Jean Carter, Re.D., CPRP, CTRS
E-mail: Volume XLVII Fourth Quarter 2013 Number 4 Therapeutic Recreation Journal SAGAMORE J O U R N A L S

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