Title: Benefits of Surfing for Children with Disabilities: A Pilot Study
Author: Cortney N. Armitano, Emily D. Clapham, Linda S. Lamont, Jennifer G. Audette
Journal: Palaestra, Vol 29, no 3 (2015)
The purpose of this study was to assess the effectiveness of an eight-week surfing intervention for 16 children with disabilities. The assessment procedure consisted of pre and post physical fitness measures to determine the benefits of this intervention. Our results showed an overall improvement in upper body strength (right: P = 0.024, left: P = 0.022), core strength (P = 0.002) and cardiorespiratory endurance (P = 0.013). This research is the first of its kind, illustrating the feasibility and effectiveness of a surfing intervention on improving the physical fitness of children with disabilities.
Key words:
aquatic; ocean; fitness