DTA National Network Groups Coordinators Report

Hello Everyone,

Well the year is certainly flying by. I am looking forward to meeting some of our Group Leaders at the National Conference this coming week. I hope by meeting you in person we will be able to support each other even more in our valuable roles.

There is still so much we can do, as Group Leaders, to raise awareness of DTA in the community. A local Database of email addresses that include all Aged Care Facilities in your area can really help. By sending out information about membership and meetings on a regular basis we can encourage interest and curiosity as to how they can join DTA. Even one new member is a step in the right direction.

I truly believe the demographics of Diversional Therapy has changed a lot in recent times and finding out more about this is imperative to the future of our profession. Some groups have had to close this year due to a lack of attendees, which is most unfortunate.

I have found that even after holding an Open/Information Day it did not increase our membership on the Gold Coast, which has a huge Aged Care Population. Even a lot of our members have been unable to attend meetings, so I plan to conduct a survey before the end of the year to find out some of the reasons why D.T.’s are not joining the association.

If you need any help with your Network Group or you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Kind Regards,

Katrina Vuori

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