Can you Help?

DTA Journal

Are you interested in resuming the DTA Journal? The Board are seeking expressions of interest for positions on the Editorial Board. Please forward your expression of interest to the DTA Office, outlining your experience in this field, or why you would like to be involved in this process.

DTA Portfolios

DTA are looking for volunteers interesting in participating in working in small teams on the following portfolios are Education, Marketing, International Liaison, Membership Growth.
Each Portfolio is directed by a Board member, however, open to any member. Some projects each portfolio are involved in are short term and some are longer in duration, so there is the capacity for a member to be part of the portfolio for just a short term or longer term if they wish.
Please send your expression of interest to the DTA Office with the heading of which portfolio you are interested in.

Calling DTA Private Practitioners

DTA have recently been approached to support Diversional Therapists to move into Private Practice. This process has begun, however, if you are considering this move, or think you might in the future, you might also like to be part of a Private Practitioners Networking Group. There is a small core of practitioners who are interested in this opportunity to network, share and grow as private providers. Please send your name and contact details through to the office.

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