This month has been extremely quiet at newsletter central I urge any members that are planning on submitting newsletter articles for PD points to get them to the office by June 20th to make it count before the end of the month. Also, members please remember the content of newsletters can only be as good as what our overall membership makes it so please consider submitting other articles not just for PD such as crafts, outing ideas, app suggestions, book reviews, program ideas, recipes and of course pictures we love to see your faces out in print and media.
National Newsletter Editor’s Winter Competition
With the cold of winter setting in we now get our creative thinking caps on in regards to our programs if we cannot get our clients out as much so between now and the 15th August 2017 I will challenge you to come up with the best winter activity and submit it to be in the running for a mystery winter prize. All submissions must be in by 3pm on the 15th August via the office and attention to Newsletter Editor. Goodluck!
Till next month – Ed