From the Editor’s Desk – 30 September 2014

Well, Spring has sprung! Now many of us can start getting our clients out and about for that well required Vitamin D. We would love to see some of your outing ideas or outdoor programs so please send in your articles to the office

Again this year we have seen a very successful conference with 2 pre-conference workshops and the new activity for partners – Men on Buses, which was thoroughly enjoyed by all on board. Please take the time to read up on all the conference information and feedback in this month’s newsletter and hop online to see the new Gallery feature of the website which has all the photos.

October brings Mental Health Week and I have provided some information on what the ABC is doing to promote this and try to help break down the stigma. If you have access to a computer you can go onto their website and find links to many organisations that provide information and assistance on mental health issues.
Also a couple of new positions vacant have being added to the website so if you are looking for a career change please check this section of the website. DTA has also advertised this month a number of opportunities again to call on members to consider participating in roles and become more involved with the Association. 

Finally, don’t forget that our AGM is coming up on 18th November and a number of positions are open for nominations. Contact the office if you wish attend by teleconference that will earn PD points and keep you informed. For those travelling to the AGM, consider taking advantage of the workshop running on the same day.

Till next month – Ed

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