From the Ed – 8 December 2017

Well 2017 has being an interesting year we have shared as a community celebration and loss. We have involved ourselves in the many opportunities to learn with our peers through workshops and conferences. We are evolving as an association and moving forward with the times and that also means change just like the leaves on a tree in Autumn we watch them go from green to brown and fall before new growth is born and the tree comes back to life richer than before full of life and hope as we progress down our professional journey paths. So too does newsletter. 

I have done this role for many years even prior to becoming a National Association in two different states and I have enjoyed every moment of sharing with you the information, members stories and ideas that have come across my desk. The newsletter will still exist but in a different format next year in a more simplistic but informative process which only needs specific content. I will still be involved in the new process but at a less demanding level. So, if you come across a great journal or website please forward it through to the office and I will endeavour to get the information out there for our fellow professionals.

Please ensure you all have a safe and wonderful Christmas or holiday season depending on your beliefs and a Happy New Year.

Signing off for the last time – Ed (Emma Preston)

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