From the Editor – 8 August 2017

Sadly, this month we have had no submissions from our members for the members articles please consider supporting your network locally and beyond by sharing program ideas, activities, outings, photos, recipes, craft the list goes on we really would love to hear what you are up to. Maybe you belong to a really proactive network group that holds some fun and interesting meetings maybe you would be willing to share something you have discussed like in this month’s newsletter as we see a very informative piece from one of our Victorian Network Groups.

Finally, don’t forget to support your association attend workshops, conference or even encourage colleagues or students to join so our voice can only grow and be represented by our wonderful board who volunteer endless hours on top of their other work and personal commitments. Also, a big thank you to our office staff who have hit the busy period in the office completing renewals of membership, workshops and conference applications. So now is the time to get involved!

Till next month- Ed

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