From the Editor – 5 September 2016

It Must Be Spring
By May Fenn

Hush, Can you hear it?
The rustling in the grass,
Bringing you the welcome news
Winter’s day is past.
Soft, Can you feel it?
The warm caressing breeze,
Telling you the sticky buds
Are bursting on the trees.
Look, Can you see them?
The primrose in the lane,
Now you must believe it –
Spring is here again.


For some of us we still have the cool evenings and nights but at least we are starting to see sunnier days and slowly each day of Spring will bring more colour. Now is the time to take clients to animal farms with babies being born, open gardens to see and smell the flowers or even just to go for a drive on that Spring shower day. We would love to see some Spring activities so send them in c/- Newsletter Editor.

If you are going to conference consider extending your days and attending the workshop or if you can not do conference maybe a chance of another workshop may suit speak to Margie or Diana in the Office for more details.

We would also love to see what is going on around Australia so why not get your network group together for a picture and send it in with a bit of a blurb of what you have being up to this year or of a specific meeting.

If you have any articles, interested in writing the top 10 activities for the month, share in your research, recipes, leisure activity programs, craft, outing venues or what’s going on in your state please send me your articles addressed to The Newsletter Editor via our lovely staff in the DTA Office.

Till next month – Ed
Emma Preston

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