This month brings us to the last month of the cold winter so I hope you are all staying warm. Thoughts go out to any members and their clients that have had to deal with Mother Nature and the harsh conditions she has provided us in many of the states and territories across Australia. August newsletter is jam packed full of information and opportunities for many DTA members to think about so grab a warm drink and curl up somewhere warm and have a read.
Please make sure you remind your fellow DTA friends and colleagues that membership renewals are due or even encourage someone new to join our wonderful association.
If you have any articles, interested in writing the top 10 activities for the month, share in your research, recipes, leisure activity programs, craft, outing venues or what’s going on in your state please send me your articles addressed to The Newsletter Editor via our lovely staff in the DTA Office.
For those of you contemplating attending the DTA Conference please note the Early Bird registration has extended so make the most of a great networking and educational experience at a great price.
Till next month – Ed
Emma Preston