As you all wind up your busy Diversional Therapy programs the final edition of the DTA Newsletter has arrived. This month contains a lot of reports from AGM, our usual monthly reports, the start to introducing our new board members, proposed workshop calendar for 2017 and a few extra important pieces of information so please take time to read through.
We would love to see in the January or February edition some of your Christmas and summer activity ideas, programs and photos so please send them in via the office.
Also I encourage members to think about writing for the newsletter and earning some PD points rather than waiting till the end of the membership year to submit. Also check out the great opportunity in this newsletter to possibly participate in a Laughter Boss training in 2017.
For those who have decided they may have some $$$ to spend there is still a few places left on the DTA Cruise so get in contact with the DTA Office ASAP if you want to make a last minute booking.
Also with the holiday period we get busy at work and in our private lives that we forget to look after ourselves so take some time out to treat yourself to a treat, reflection time to think about your year or even have a go at some mindfulness just to cleanse the mind so you can enjoy the festive season and prepare yourself to see in the New Year.
Happy and Safe Holidays to all our members!
Till next month – Ed