Editor’s Piece – 4 May 2015

For some of us May is a busy month especially if we work in services or facilities with Mother’s and the celebration of their role in our lives in regards to how they have nurtured us and turned us into the caring people we are today as Diversional Therapists.

Also it is the month we celebrate our profession in Diversional Therapy Week – the diversity of our roles, how we continue to grow and strive as a profession and improve or enhance the quality of life in the leisure and recreation realm of our service users. So go out glowing and proudly display our blue and gold whether it be using fantales or coloured jelly beans as treats, showcase your profession in a entrance area to the public, staff and service users or educate those you work a long side of every day.

Also, start looking and planning forward to how you will celebrate the coming season of winter through your outing and activity ideas as suggested by Takako from Japan in a recent activity session they ran for their residents.

DTA is moving with the times into only electronic format for the Newsletter – there will be no ‘Hard Copy” printed version after June this year. Many of us love to hold a paper newsletter in our hands – but sadly it is not possible financially to subsidise this any longer.

Diana and Margie are happy to help anyone who needs a bit of guidance on how to log in to the site and get all those goodies that only pop out when you log in as a member – and to access the eNewsletter too.

If there is anyone out there who still cannot access the eNewsletter the office can print out a selection of the articles and post out for about $5 per issue – contact Diana at the office.

Meanwhile our electronic newsletter format is a continual learning curve for those behind the scenes and I thank Margie Kennard, Kylie Rice, and our silent off sider Scott Holmes which work with me to develop and evolve the enewsletter on a continual basis and of course those DTA members that submit articles to allow newsletter to continue and be a wonderful platform to share ideas.

Journal Watch this month is a free article that can be downloaded in full and I selected this as a flow on from the 100 year celebration of ANZAC history. Also web watch provides you with all the things you need to run a successful Biggest Morning Tea.
I hope some of you will consider submitted your May activities along with photos so that they can be shared and celebrated with your fellow DTA colleagues.

Till next month – Ed

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